Extra Virgin Olive Oil offers you the pleasure of having a vast number of choices with the certainty of quality that is always excellent. The colour, taste, intensity, greater delicacy, aroma, and aftertaste all provide elements that can be mixed to create truly enormous numbers of choices.

It can be said that every territory that produces this extraordinary gastronomic product has its own Extra Virgin. In Italy, for example, there are over 500 different types. The differences are determined by the “cultivar”, a term that indicates the specific characteristics of an area of cultivation of olives used for oil.

Such a vast selection means an infinite number of uses and increases the exclusive joys of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
No other food product is able to bring together quality and diversity with such harmony.

That too is unique.

The senses of oil

An excellent antioxidant

Every dish has its oil, every oil has its food

Certified quality